Earth Allies Restoration Network

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We envision an abundant food paradise across the planet that provides sustainable food sources and improves livelihoods, while restoring the environment and natural ecosystems throughout the world.


We seek to spread restoration agricultural methods throughout the world by equipping grassroots organizations and individual farmers alike with the knowledge, funding, and organizational capacity to practice and share restoration agricultural methods in their own communities. By working with partners to transition communities from conventional farming methods to regenerative practices, we strive to transform farmlands into a more natural state, ensuring an abundance of diverse food sources while simultaneously restoring the natural ecosystem.

Core Beliefs

  • Humanity has an obligation to earn its place on this Earth for future generations.
  • Agricultural and environmental change in the region is vital to improving livelihoods.
  • Collaboration and equitable partnership among farmers, organizations, and funders is key to creating long-term sustainable change.


2024 Grant Applications Closed

Thanks to everybody who applied. We are looking forward to welcoming another great group of partners into the network. We will announce awardees soon. The next grant application will be open January 1, 2025.

Next PDC – February 3-12, 2025

If you are interested in attending the EARN Permaculture Design Certificate course, please fill out the registration form here.

Please note: The course is offered on a first come, first served basis. Registration does not guarantee a place in the course. You will receive an email confirming your registration status after completing the registration form.

Thanks to all our partners and followers for your support in making this happen! 

Welcome New EARN Partners!

In 2023, EARN welcomed new partners to our growing movement. Individuals and organizations from all over the world came to the Mainsprings campus in Kitongo, Tanzania to attend our Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) Course. Afterwards, EARN Trainers visited our new partners and helped them install restoration agriculture demonstration plots at their sites. Click below to see photos from the PDC Course and Site Visits.